The 5 Love Languages

What are the 5 love languages?? I didn't know that there are actually different languages of love till I read this book by Gary Chapman. Nah..I don't really read English books cause I think they are too chim to understand..haha..but this is the rare one I kinda like and that's the reason I'm sharing it here!
The purpose of the book is actually to teach couples/married couples how to maintain their relationship, ensuring the love tank of your partner is always full!
So what are the 5 love languages??
1) Words of Affirmation
2) Quality Time
3) Receiving Gifts
4) Acts of Service
5) Physical Touch
The above 5 are kinda self explanatory actually, perhaps I should explain more on the words of affirmation, quality time and acts of service. Example of words of affirmation will be something like showing appreciation, expressing compliments constantly to your partner over the things they do. It's actually giving the sense of satisfaction for the partner if his/her primary love language is words of affirmation.
How about quality time? It's not only the time where two of you be together doing your own stuff. It's the time where both of you communicate, sharing ups and downs, talking about what happened to you throughout the day. Time where your attention falls only on your partner but not anything else!
Act of service. Something like doing your partner a favour even if you don't like it. For example, sweeping the floor for your wife, cooking dinner for your husband while waiting him back from work.
So basically all you need to do is to understand your partner's primary love language and yourself so that your relationship can be maintained or even improved. It may sound a bit too chim to understand all these to maintain a relationship. It's actually simply the arts of understanding each other and find ways that both of you prefer to live with.
I sounded like a pro huh?? Don't follow me huh..I'm not that good actually and that's why I'm still single! hahaha! If you are interested in the book, check it out! There are different editions of 5 love languages, not only for couples..there is even Singles Edition! Check it out at bookstores (I bought mine at Kinokuniya) or if you are too lazy to go out, check it out here! Just type the book's name!


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